Reading List for PhD candidates in Classical Philology Before taking the General Examinations, the candidate must have read, as a minimum, the following reading list in the original languages. Students may petition the graduate committee to make substitutions of items on the reading list in two categories. Philosophy Reading List Reading List for PhD candidates in Classical Philosophy Students may make substitutions of authors or works under the same conditions. Philosophy has been studied for thousands of years. It involves the use of reason and argument to search for the truth about reality about the nature of things, ethics, aesthetics, language, the mind, God and everything else. Part B: Philosophy of Social Science [For Part A use reading list 105 106: Philosophy of Science Introductory Texts: M. Hollis The Philosophy of Social Science: An Introduction Harvard. Quine, On the Reasons for the Indeterminacy of Translation, J. The University of Reading is a global university that enjoys a worldclass reputation for teaching, research and enterprise. Reading list for sociology This list is provided for students who may wish to do some precourse reading, and so please note that these texts are not compulsory, although some may be strongly advised (this is indicated where applicable). Not sure whether I'm misunderstanding the question, but there was no reading list for HLS when I was there, just coursespecific reading requirements. Across Harvard's campus, students and faculty are enjoying the refreshing energy that comes with a longawaited spring and looking forward to a summer of renewal and new adventures. Martignetti Professor of Philosophy; Chair of the Department of Philosophy Our Kids: The American Dream in. pathways (programs) Pathways to Philosophy introductory book list. Here is a selection of just few of the many books available for the student starting out in philosophy. Michael Rosen is a professor of political theory in the Government Department and has worked on a wide variety of topics in philosophy, social theory and reading list students may find it helpful to do some reading about general issues of methodology in the study of political thought. The works listed in the Appendix represent several perspectives. Philosophy of science reading list Download as PDF File (. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Search Search Full Disclosure: The New Lawyers MustRead Career Guide, Christen Civiletto Carey The Curmudgeons Guide to Practicing Law, Mark Herrmann Swimmin 3 GRADUATE READING LIST II Only the editions of works on this list are approved for use on the School of Philosophys Graduate Reading List Examinations. Resources for the study of religion at Harvard are vast. We offer courses in the whole range of religious traditions from the ancient Zoroastrian tradition to modern Christian liberation movements, Islamic and Jewish philosophies, Buddhist social movements, and Hindu arts and culture. Reading The Idea of Justice is like attending a master class in practical reasoning. You cant help noticing you are engaging with a great, deeply pluralistic, mind You cant help noticing you are engaging with a great, deeply pluralistic, mind 1 Feminist Philosophy Comprehensive: Reading List. The main part of this list comprises readings that correspond to each of the five sections of the comprehensive exam. The Harvard Summer Institute on College Admissions is an annual conference for college admissions and school counseling professionals. Department of Philosophy The Yale Philosophy Department offers a wide range of courses in various traditions of philosophy, with strengths and a wellestablished reputation in the history of philosophy, ethics, metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of art as well as other central topics. the history of philosophy reading list is required, the systematic reading list is recommended. Additional Regulations and Guidelines The examinee must have Philosophy should be engaged and applied, addressing questions as they arise in the real world and within the practices of other disciplines. That tradition in Stanford Philosophy is reflected in our collaboration with a wide range of interdisciplinary programs. The graduate program in philosophy at Harvard offers students the opportunity to work and to develop their ideas in a stimulating and supportive community of fellow doctoral students, faculty members, and visiting scholars. Among the special strengths of the department are moral and political philosophy, aesthetics, epistemology, philosophy of logic, philosophy of language, the history of. Philosophy (from Greek, philosophia, literally love of wisdom) is the study of general and fundamental problems concerning matters such as existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. The term was probably coined by Pythagoras (c. Philosophical methods include questioning, critical discussion, rational argument, and systematic presentation. No knowledge of Philosophy is presupposed by the course at Cambridge. It is essential, however, to have done some advance reading, and this list is provided for guidance. The aim has been to list mainly works of original philosophy and to list only such works as can (with more or less effort) be. Comprehensive Exam Information and Reading List Dept. of Philosophy Marquette University Marquette Philosophy Department respective part of the written examination from the Ph. Reading list in the history of philosophy. Note that the history of philosophy. Two books provided a good framework to understand key aspects of (western) philosophy. Confessions of a Philosopher by Bryan Magee. This was the first book that gave me a wide perspective on Philosophy, touching on the key thought of western philosophy. The list is divided into three parts covering Philosophy, Politics and Economics. It is certainly not suggested that you attempt to read all of the books mentioned, but it is recommended that you read through some of these. In philosophy he was a Hepburn, a Brando, a Dean, a Bacall, stars into whose souls he gave us entryways. I always thought of him and Hilary Putnam as the glimmer twins. Time was on their side, for so many decades, thank the lord. ISBN Pierre Hadot, an internationally prominent French historian of ancient philosophy, describes the history of ancient philosophy as a way of life similar to eastern spiritual disciplines or western monastic orders. This might seem to be a strange title to add to a philosophy reading list. The general philosophy is that the courses inform the reading list, which in turn informs the exam. There is a difference between the Political Economy and Formal Theory fields. Both fields study literature in which modeling is an important technique. Physics and Philosophy is a demanding and rewarding course, combining the most rigorous and fundamental subjects in the arts and the sciences. It seeks understanding of the nature of reality and of our knowledge of it. There are strong links between physics and philosophy, and the stimulus for each discipline lies in part in the other. Philosophy Theology Seminar Reading List Note: When considering which editions or translations to use, you may wish to consult the notebook kept in the College bookstore, with tutors comments on different editions and translations of program texts. Recently, I wrote that leaders should be readers. Reading has a host of benefits for those who wish to occupy positions of leadership and develop into more relaxed, empathetic, and wellrounded people. Philosophy of Science Area Comprehensive Exam Reading List Revised September 2011 Exam Format: Students will have four hours to write answers to four questions, chosen from a list of approximately 2030 questions organized according to topic: (Harvard University Press. PHILOSOPHY READING LIST Some suggestions for those intending to read philosophy andor beginning a philosophy course. General introductions Edward Craig, Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford University Press) Thomas Nagel, What Does it All Mean? Paper 1 Metaphysics Paper 2 Ethics Political Philosophy Paper 3 Logic Paper 4 Set Texts. Course materials are available on Moodle. Simply sign in and enrol on the relevant paper. Earlier this year, we brought you Neil de Grasse Tyson's List of 8 (Free) Books Every Intelligent Person Should Read. The list generated a lot of buzz and debate. Indeed you, the readers, contributed 133 comments to the post, a record for us. A more detailed reading list will be provided nearer the start of the semester. Presessional task During presessional week it would be helpful if you would read pp. 323 of the BraddonMitchell and Jackson book, and then write one page reoplying to the following question. Philosophy Reading List The following list can be found on the Cambridge Faculty website. The bold is my emphasis: highly recommended. General introductions (in approximate order of difficulty) Philosophy of Language, Consolidated Reading List, Part I 2 argument for the claim that we have to posit sense as an ingredient of meaning. This argument can be challenged, but it takes some work and imagination to see There is no reading list for students applying for Classics, as we encourage students to read as widely as possible about any Classics materials they find interesting (in literature, history, philosophy, archaeology, andor philology), and to think critically about their reading. In AngloAmerican political philosophy over the last thirty years, the work of the Harvard philosopher John Rawls has been central in defining the scope and focus of debate, though of great importance too are the ideas of Isaiah Berlin, G. Philosophy of Mind QE Reading List CONSCIOUSNESS AND THE MINDBODY PROBLEM Campbell, Keith. Given that this is a reading list for philosophy, we will set aside some of the various ways of studying logic. For the most part philosophers study logic in three (general) ways: mathematical logic, philosophy of logic and philosophical logic. A Practical Philosophy Reading List. Very few people wake up and think I need philosophy. This is perfectly understandable. But of course, everyone has their own problems and are dealing with the difficulties of life in some way or another. Aesthetics, Analytic Philosophy, Consciousness Thought, Criticism, Eastern, Epistemology, Ethics Morality, Free Will Determinism, Good Evil, Greek. Philosophy books should be read slowly. It is a good idea to pause after every ten or twenty pages, and to make notes on the course of the argument (together. The Department of Philosophy at Harvard University is pleased to announce the appointment of Selim Berker to the position of Alford Professor of Natural Religion, Moral Philosophy, and Civil Polity. Scanlon in this position, who retired from the department in the spring of 2016. Add Swinburne and Flew's God and philosophy, and Pojman and rea's Philosophy of Religion: An Anthology. The ethics list is excellent, and I don't want to cram it, but ya might want to add Reasons and Persons or Ethical Intuitionism from Huemer to add some more metaethics stuff. Reading list for Advanced Philosophy of Physics: the philosophy of statistical mechanics (revised David Wallace, February ) This is a reasonably thorough reading list.