Calvin Harris (narozen jako Adam Richard Wiles, 17. ledna 1984 Dumfries) je skotsk zpvkskladatel, producent a DJ. Jeho debutn album I Created Disco z roku 2007 s spnmi singly Acceptable in the 80's a The Girls bylo ocenno zlatou deskou. Napsal a produkoval nahrvky nkolika znmm umlcm. Roku 2007 produkoval znm hit Kylie Minogue In My Arms, v roce 2009 zas. De qu va esto: Canciones fciles para aprender ingls: Los auriculares verdes indican que la cancin es relativamente sencilla de entender, que la letra est bien. Calvin Harris has been turning out club bangers for a over decade; when his debut single Acceptable in the 80s hit Number 10 in March 2007. Since then, he has achieved eight Number 1 singles, one. Calvin Harris supportede det britiske danceact Faithless p deres UKtour i forret 2007. Calvin har ingen djerfaring, s live foretrkker han at synge frem for. Diese Diskografie ist eine bersicht ber die musikalischen Werke des schottischen DJs und Sngers Calvin Harris. Den Quellenangaben zufolge hat er in seiner Karriere mehr als 75, 9 Millionen Tontrger verkauft. Die erfolgreichste Verffentlichung von Calvin Harris ist die Single We Found Love mit rund 8, 9 Millionen verkauften Einheiten. Calvin Harris (geboren als Adam Richard Wiles; Dumfries, 17 januari 1984) is een Schotse singersongwriter, dj en producer van elektronische muziek. Zijn debuutsingle Acceptable in the 80's bereikte# 10 op de Singlehitlijst in GrootBrittanni en werd ook veel gedraaid op de Nederlandse radio en muziekzenders, zoals MTV. Zijn volgende single, The Girls, verscheen begin juni 2007. Calvin Harris is a Scottish DJ, singer, songwriter, and record producer. In terms of studio setup and gear, Calvin Harris goes a bit against the grain of the majority of. Our Story Problem solving has a long heritage at PF Harris. In 1924, two years after its founding, the company tackled the Calvin Coolidge White House, which had. Under Control is a song recorded by Calvin Harris and Alesso, featuring vocals from duo Hurts. The song was released on 7 October 2013 as the first single from Harris's fourth studio album, Motion (2014) and Alesso's first studio album, Forever (2015). Under Control debuted at number one on the UK Singles Chart with firstweek sales of 74, 704 copies, becoming Harris's fifth numberone. Januar 1984 im schottischen Dumfries als Sohn eines Biochemikers und einer Hausfrau geboren. Seine ersten musikalischen Erfahrungen machte er in seiner Jugendzeit, in der er einige Demos im heimischen Schlafzimmer aufnahm. In einem Interview erklrte Harris, dass er sich in dieser Zeit sehr isoliert habe, was sich auf seine Persnlichkeit ausgewirkt habe. 17 stycznia 1984 roku w Dumfries) szkocki DJ i producent muzyczny, a take piosenkarz, gitarzysta i autor tekstw. Zaoyciel i waciciel wytwrni Fly Eye Records. Najlepiej zarabiajcy DJ na wiecie w roku 2014 oraz 2017 Calvin Harris Outside ft Ellie Goulding (Official Video) Spotify Apple Music Ama Adam Richard Wiles [1 (Dumfries, 17 de janeiro de 1984), mais conhecido pelo seu nome artstico Calvin Harris, um produtor, msico, letrista, cantor, compositor e DJ escocs. De acordo com a Forbes, Harris se tornou o DJ mais bem pago em 2013 e em 2014, valendo 66 milhes de dlares (60 milhes de euros) em 2015. [2 Lyrics to Summer song by Calvin Harris: When I met you in the summer To my heartbeat sound We fell in love As the leaves turn brown And we Calvin Harris, pseudonimo di Adam Richard Wiles (Dumfries, 17 gennaio 1984), un disc jockey, musicista, cantante e produttore discografico britannico. Ha ricevuto quattro candidature ai premi Grammy, vincendo l'ambita statuetta nel 2013, nella categoria Miglior video, grazie al singolo We Found Love, in collaborazione con la celebre cantante barbadiana Rihanna. Calvin Harris, de son vrai nom Adam Richard Wiles, n le 17 janvier 1984 Dumfries, est un disc jockey, chanteur et producteur de musique lectronique britannique. Surnomm le nouveau roi de l'electropop par la presse spcialise [5, son premier album I Created Disco sorti en 2007 est disque d'or au RoyaumeUni [6 grce aux morceaux Acceptable in the 80s et The Girls. Summer is a song by Scottish recording artist Calvin Harris, released on 14 March 2014 as the second single from his fourth studio album, Motion (2014). Like his earlier single Feel So Close and his later single My Way, Harris returns as a vocalist on Summer. The accompanying music video was directed by Emil Nava and premiered on 6 April 2014. Calvin Harris TV for all things Calvin Harris. I might be anyone A lone fool out in the sun Your heartbeat of solid gold I love you, you'll never know N le 17 janvier 1984, le jeune Calvin Harris grandit Dumfries, petite ville perdue en Ecosse. A l'ge de 15 ans, il hrite de l'ordinateur de son frre, un vieil Amiga, et c'est comme une rvlation pour ce passionn de musique qui dcouvre le mixage des sons et le brassage des styles..