Transubstantiation (Latin: transsubstantiatio; Greek: metousiosis) is, according to the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, the change of substance or essence by which the bread and wine offered in the sacrifice of the sacrament of the Eucharist during the Mass, become, in reality, the body and blood of Jesus Christ. The Roman Catholic Church teaches that in the. by Jessica Rinaudo photos by Marie Constantin Bonny Van. August 24 was a bittersweet day for the people of the Diocese of Shreveport, especially members of the clergy, diocesan staff and friends of Bishop Michael Duca who gathered together at St. Joseph Cathedral in our capital city in preparation for his installation as the sixth Bishop of Baton Rouge. The times that we live in are hard, brutal, evil timesand they are growing worse because evil men and seducers are growing worse (as foretold and prophesied in the Bible. Things are going to get yet worse. Today, many children and adults are being abused in their homes, schools, neighborhoods, etc. many have committed suicide in an attempt to end the pain in their lives (suicide is not the. The title of an ecclesiastical dignitary who possesses the fullness of the priesthood to rule a diocese as its chief pastor, in due submission to the primacy of the pope Lengthy article on the life, writings, and influence of this philosopher, theologian, and Doctor of the Church. Andrews College and pastor of Trinity Reformed Church in Moscow, Idaho, recently posted an article at his blog that has caught the attention of many who participate in the ongoing ProtestantCatholic dialog. The church's official teaching on the subject is that no one receives any more graces or merit by having a Mass said for him or her than someone whose name is never brought up in such a context. I Few persons care to study logic, because everybody conceives himself to be proficient enough in the art of reasoning already. But I observe that this satisfaction is limited to one's own ratiocination, and does not extend to that of other men. Section One I believe We believe 1. What is the plan of God for man? God, infinitely perfect and blessed in himself, in a plan of sheer goodness freely created man to make him share in his own blessed life. Being stripped naked could be the economic collapse of the USA prophecied by Locutions. org and being conquered by the communists as prophesied by Sr. Lucia of Fatima (), Garabandal (), and recently by John Mariani () 21. Given the frequent occurrence in the bible of prefigurement followed by an event where the later is a greater state than the former. Being Catholic: How We Believe, Practice and Think [Archbishop Daniel E Pilarczyk on Amazon. FREE shipping on qualifying offers. This book isan act of witnessing, a testimony to the generosity of God that Catholics experience in accepting and living out the gift of faith that Christ has bestowed on them. from the Introduction BR A bishop is not only a spiritual shepherd but a. MICHAEL JONES, AUTHOR AND HISTORIAN, is a former professor at Saint Marys College in Indiana and the current publisher of Culture Wars Magazine. As the author of several books, Jones later works focus on Jewish opposition to the Catholic Church throughout history and its pernicious effect. As Catholics, do we have to accept everything the Church teaches? If you want to call yourself Catholic, but you want to pick and choose for yourself which of the Church's teachings to accept and which to reject, you give everyone else who calls themselves Catholic the right to do the same thing. You may have heard the phrase, Ignorance is bliss. However as Christians we are to be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ. INSIDE A CATHOLIC CONFESSIONAL. Although I believe the Catholic Church has many false teachings, as a former Roman Catholic I want to make it clear what goes on when a Catholic goes to Confession (now called Reconciliation). It seems that the worthy citizens of Liverpool are locked in heated and agitated debate. And such is the important nature of their discussions that it is no wonder they are getting worked up. A WellBuilt Faith: A Catholic's Guide to Knowing and Sharing What We Believe (Toolbox Series) [Joe Paprocki DMin, Doug Hall on Amazon. FREE shipping on qualifying offers. Nail down the facts, tear down the barriers! The Catechism of the Catholic Church is over nine hundred pages long Cults List of False Religions False Teachings. CULTS FALSE RELIGIONS FALSE TEACHINGS Check out the Cults List find out What is a Cult? Summed Up Info on the Many Cults False Religions False Teachings in our World Today. Here is a talk I gave last night ( ) at The Church of the Holy Spirit in Montgomery, AL. The talk was titled John Calvin and the Reformation: A Catholic Perspective. Hundreds of millions of people worldwide say I believe in the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church every week, and yet do they reflect on the meaning. The Universal Common Good A key element in Pope John's conception of a peaceful world is a global order oriented to the full development of all peoples, with governments committed to the rights of citizens, and a framework of authority which enables the world community to address fundamental problems that individual governments fail to resolve. The Catholic Church, also known as the Roman Catholic Church, is the largest Christian church, with approximately 1. 3 billion baptised Catholics worldwide as of 2016. As one of the oldest religious institutions in the world, it has played a prominent role in the history and development of Western civilisation. The church is headed by the Bishop of Rome, known as the Pope..