• Updated: 118. This page is intended to be a reference list of basic specifications for electronic test equipment, especially obsolete models. I have been collecting this information for about 25 years, starting with a well thumbed Tucker Electronics catalog, and then adding listings from other catalogs, other web sites, and of course eBay listings. I am not a test equipment dealer and in. Uptodate information on frequencies, schedules, and digital data systems The Tecsun PL360 is a portable digital AMFM shortwave radio. This PLL synthesized receiver picks up a wide range of broadcasting including AM, FM shortwave. Radio ExplorerBy Dmitry Nefedov Graphic viewer for shortwave radio broadcasting schedules. Displays data in a treelike expanding table, on a 24hour Gantt chart, and on a world map with greyline and frequency coloring. Here are some of my recordings (by openreel tape recorder) of radio station identifications (call signs). Many of the stations are not rare and the audio quality is what ordinary DX'ers of those days used to experience with their simple receivers, but the recordings could be of nostalgic interest today and worth preserving for future research. Guide to shortwave radio, shortwave listening, qsl card collecting, shortwwave radio receivers, and frequencies. In our own home, we had a circa 1956 RCA Orthophonic (model SHF8) phonograph. It had a contemporary dark wood cabinet, and was supported by thin, tapered, metal legs that were fashionable in the decorative arts such as interior and furniture design (see photo). Shortwave Radio Guide IV (vTB2k. a) Long Distance AM Stations Short Wave Stations (around the world) Short Wave Utility Emergency Freq Short Wave Program Listings In a Nutshell. The Church of God Evangelistic Association was formed in 1980 to support the independent ministry of David J. Smith, a former member of the Worldwide Church of God (WCG) under founder Herbert W. Smith is editor of Newswatch Magazine and the featured speaker on a related radio program heard across the U. Smith's broadcasting style is very reminiscent of. Of course, you need a shortwave receiver portable or not. Which one to get is a topic highly debated try reading the specific pages on swling. Try not to get the cheapest one, as you'll probably be disappointed in quality and forget the hobby quickly; look for SSB, PLL synchronisation, a digital display and most important of course: reception quality. Shortwave Radio Listening listen to the World on a radio, wherever you might be. Shortwave Radio is similar to the local AM Broadcast Band on Mediumwave (MW) that you can hear on a regular AM Radio receiver, except that shortwave signals travel globally, depending on the time of day, time of year, and space weather conditions. Propagation Mail List Reflectors Several to choose from includes Subscription Info. Ground Wave Propagation and Distances Via G3CIW. Guide To Transmitter Range Via Artsci. Calculating the Distance To The Horizon From the earliest days of the history of broadcasting, a number of radio stations licensed in Mexico, became known to the general public as borderblasters. This was due to their excessive use of power which was necessary to reach their intended audience in American cities far north of the border. Shortwave radio is radio transmission using shortwave radio frequencies. There is no official definition of the band, but the range always includes all of the high frequency band (HF), and generally extends from 1. 730 MHz ( m); from the high end of the medium frequency band (MF) just above the mediumwave AM broadcast band, to the end of the HF band. This is a database conversion to allow easy browsing of Aoki's excellent Bi Newsletter shortwave transmission database, helping you find quickly and easily the broadcast schedule for any shortwave radio transmission. In addition, it shows the technical details for the transmitter, including geographic location, transmitting power and distance from your current location. Radio related links: For links to the International Broadcasters see the international broadcaster page. : North American Radio clubs: North American ShortWave Association North America's oldest shortwave only radio club. Publication: The NASWA Journal. A large collection of technical links, without a lot of fancy graphics, and with very little mention of commercial products. Includes technical links related to GPS, time and frequency, benchmarks and other standards, antennas, the Morse Code, and other technical topics. Expanding soon to include other areas of interest such as 1633 Hz, Channel 37, Area Code 710, and other obscure technical. Special thanks to Antonio Napolitano of DX Fanzine, for permission to share the QSL Review with our blog readers (GVH) NB: Radio stations are listed under the country in which the transmitter (not studios! ) is (or presumed to be) located. DX Brazil SW Dexismo DXing Shortwave Noticias do DXismo e Radioescuta por Daniel Wyllyans Nova Xavantina MT Radioescutas e Dexismo The Skeptoid weekly science podcast is a free public service from Skeptoid Media, a 501(c)(3) educational nonprofit. This show is made possible by financial support from listeners like you. If you like this programming, please become a member. Other ways you can help Based on the human voice, radio is a uniquely personal medium, invoking a listeners imagination to fill in mental images around the broadcast sounds. More readily and in a more widespread fashion than any other medium, radio can soothe listeners with comforting dialogue or background music, or it can jar them back into reality with polemics and breaking news. Any other use without giving credit to or getting permission from Daniel Sampson, and giving credit to the Prime Time Shortwave.